Access Keys:

Scoil Naisiunta Naomh Fiontan, Lismacaffrey, Co Westmeath
WE NEED YOUR UNWANTED CLOTHES St. Fintan's are raising money through a clothing reuse scheme.  The more bags we collect the more money we raise for our school, so please fill as many bags as you can!  Please return to St. Fintan's NS before Tuesday 1st April (and no this is not an April Fool's prank). Thank you. [Open Document]
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Our Ethos

St. Fintan’s N.S. is the centre for education providing a fully integrated and flexible education to meet the needs of our pupils, while recognising and respecting their own unique background, tradition, value and beliefs.  St. Fintan’s functions under a Roman Catholic ethos, is under the patronage of Bishop Paul Connell of the diocese of Ardagh and Clonmacnoise.

We are aware that children’s development is influenced not merely by their own natural endowments, but also to a very great extent by their environment.  Therefore how they develop will depend largely on the success or failure of the combined efforts of home, school and church.

We aim to facilitate this development (i.e. spiritual, moral, social, emotional and intellectual) in a structured and caring atmosphere with the following aims:

  1. To enable the child to live a full life.
  2. To equip the child to avail him/herself of future education so that he/she may go on to live a full life as an adult.

To assist us in achieving our own aims we recognise parents as the primary educators and as parents of the school system in the educational process.  We operate under the “Rules for National Schools” and under all DES curricular requirements.