Access Keys:

Scoil Naisiunta Naomh Fiontan, Lismacaffrey, Co Westmeath
WE NEED YOUR UNWANTED CLOTHES St. Fintan's are raising money through a clothing reuse scheme.  The more bags we collect the more money we raise for our school, so please fill as many bags as you can!  Please return to St. Fintan's NS before Tuesday 1st April (and no this is not an April Fool's prank). Thank you. [Open Document]
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🏆National Winner🏆

23rd Oct 2024

Congratulations to Ronan Reilly who has been selected as a national winner in the Tusla Attendance poster campaign. Schools across the country were asked to submit an entry for this competition and Ronan's poster was chosen winner. Details of his prize and the presentation to follow. Well done Ronan, the poster is deserving of recognition and really highlights the importance of attending school and the places education can take you.