Access Keys:

Scoil Naisiunta Naomh Fiontan, Lismacaffrey, Co Westmeath
WE NEED YOUR UNWANTED CLOTHES St. Fintan's are raising money through a clothing reuse scheme.  The more bags we collect the more money we raise for our school, so please fill as many bags as you can!  Please return to St. Fintan's NS before Tuesday 1st April (and no this is not an April Fool's prank). Thank you. [Open Document]
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Halloween at St. Fintan’s 2024

13th Nov 2024

There were a lot of scary creatures in St. Fintan’s on Friday 25th October when our annual Halloween dress up took place.  There was a wide variety of costumes and characters in our Dress Up parade.  Everyone made such a great effort and on the day numerous awards were handed out from the cutest to the scariest costume award.  A lot of fun was had that day!

Earlier that week the children had great fun carving pumpkins creating lots of funny and weird looking pumpkins 🎃