Access Keys:

Scoil Naisiunta Naomh Fiontan, Lismacaffrey, Co Westmeath
WE NEED YOUR UNWANTED CLOTHES St. Fintan's are raising money through a clothing reuse scheme.  The more bags we collect the more money we raise for our school, so please fill as many bags as you can!  Please return to St. Fintan's NS before Tuesday 1st April (and no this is not an April Fool's prank). Thank you. [Open Document]
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All-Ireland winning Visitor.

11th Sep 2024
Staff and pupils from St. Fintan's N.S. were treated to a visit from the All-Ireland winning and extremely talented past pupil, Erin Ross. Erin had us all captivated with her wonderful voice and funny songs. We want to say a big thank you to Erin for visiting us and sharing her talent.